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Landscape Photography of some of the most beautiful places in Ireland .. and beyond

"Arché - Elements of Nature" (Exhibition retrospective)

"Arché - Elements of Nature" (Exhibition retrospective)

It was November 2005 when my Friend's gave me his camera and I took my first photograph with it. This image means a lot to me. Because it reminds me of who I am and what is important to me. What has allowed me to express myself, and learn more about the world which surrounds us. (Dziękuję Marku)


This is how I've started - learning photography literally in a forest and at a rather darker and colder part of the year. 

Since then a lot has changed in my life, and photography has led me to different experiences, it allowed me to meet some amazing People on the way and visit many places which will always remain deep in my heart.

My approach to photography also gave me an amazing opportunity, a chance to present large format prints of my works at a special place and in front of my Home Town audience - Gallery of Modern Arts in Opole, Poland.

When in the summer of last year I was invited to meet the Gallery Director I was very honored and grateful, that a Gallery of such reputation is willing to look at my work.

I was astounded and very happy to learn, that they've liked my photographic work and promised to find time in their busy schedules to organise an exhibition.

On a cold December morning (only a day after coming back home for Christmas), I have received a message from my Sister, passing me the fantastic news about the exhibition being scheduled for February of this year. I remember that it was very emotional, but also fulfilling to learn, that my whole road with photography is finally being appreciated, and in such way - I was speechless.

The next morning, I was already in the Gallery making arrangements and first preparations. It was a very productive but also a bit stressful few weeks towards the exhibition. 

Being in Ireland, it was not easy to coordinate everything back home. Thank's to the Gallery's Promotions Manager, my Parents, my Sister, the framers, the paper suppliers, and many more - all went smoothly and I was ready for the Big Day. Thank you !

D-Day was on Thursday and I have gone aboard the aircraft only the evening before. Guess what, the take off was delayed. It was very short of the plane not landing in Poland also (because of a very dense fog). Luckily if did and I got home with my amazing Parents all ok at around 1:30 in the morning.

Invitation to a TV show was for 7:00am, which meant a lot of stress forbidding me to go to sleep until 3:00am. At 6:00am the alarm goes off and I don't know where I am!

Ok, steady. You know what you want to talk about. But then again, I was never in a TV show and never spoken about my creative work this way. 

7:35am, we are going on air ! 

I don't know how, but I've survived. In fact it was not too bad at all, one might even get used to this (but not too much). Hats off to all working in this industry, it is a hard piece of bread.

Ok, what's next?! 9:00am I need to be in the Gallery, we are hanging the works. 

All went super smooth, thanks to the amazing technical support staff at the Gallery.

Now off to Radio Opole for 11:00am to do a longer recording for an Arts audition.

Brrrrr... it's cold out there.

Again, it all felt very scary before, but then it actually felt very soothing ! Strange, but pleasant feeling.

What's next?! Ah, another recording, this time for the TV in the Gallery at 1:00pm! Ok, let's do this! (even though I don't know how I'm still standing).

Ok, that's it. I just need to get few bottles of wine and finally .. lie down. Because we need to be back at the Gallery to prepare for the opening at 4:20pm already.

5:45pm. It's starting to get crowded in here. Let's do this !

This exhibition opening was an unforgettable experience for me and I will never forget it!

Thank you All who helped me with the preparations and organisation of this event. You know who you are!

Best Wishes,


"Arché - Elements of Nature" (Exhibition of my works in Poland) 

Lough Tay in full bloom (video presentation)

Lough Tay in full bloom (video presentation)